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Fall 2023 Class Schedule

 First Year Seminars 

Table of First Year Seminar Courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
BIOL_SCI 101-7-01  College Seminar - Promises & Perils: The Social Reality of Biology Marcelo Vinces


9:00 - 9:50am

BIOL_SCI 101-7-02 College Seminar - Animal Thinking Tracy Hodgson


1:00 - 1:50pm

BIOL_SCI 101-7-03 College Seminar -Values of Biodiversity Joseph Walsh


3:30- 4:50pm

BIOL_SCI 115-6-01 College Seminar - Biological Thought and Action Michele McDonough & William Leonard


4:20 - 5:40pm


distribution courses

Table of Distribution and Foundational Discipline Courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
BIOL_SCI 103-0 Diversity of Life Gary Galbreath


3:00 - 3:50pm 

BIOL_SCI 150-0 Human Genetics Natalie Gilbert


3:00 - 3:50pm 


isp courses

Table of ISP Courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
BIOL_SCI 240-0-0 Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology for ISP - 1 Vinzenz Unger


11:00 - 11:50am

Dis: TTh

11:00 - 11:50am


core courses

Table of Core Courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
BIOL_SCI 202-0-0 Cell Biology Sadie Wignall & Laura Lackner


10:00 - 10:50am 


11:00 - 11:50am

Dis: W 

7:00 - 8:50pm

BIOL_SCI 232-0-0 Molecular and Cellular Processes Laboratory John Mordacq & Jennifer Brace

 Sections offered M,T,W,Th,F 1-4:50pm

(Each section meets 1 day per week)


300 level courses

Table of 300 Level Courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time
BIOL_SCI 302-0-0 Fundamentals of Neurobiology Tracy Hodgson


3:00 - 3:50pm

BIOL_SCI 337-0-0 Biostatistics Joseph Walsh


12:30 - 1:50pm

BIOL_SCI 339-0-0 Critical Topics in Ecology and Conservation Rebecca Barak & Jeremie Fant


11:00am - 12:20pm

BIOL_SCI 355-0-0 Immunobiology Hilary Truchan


10:00 - 10:50am

BIOL_SCI 360-0-0 Principles of Cell Signaling Reza Vafabakhsh


10:00 - 10:50am

BIOL_SCI 377-0-0 The Human Microbiome Hilary Truchan


11:00am - 12:20pm

BIOL_SCI 380-0-0 Biology of Cancer Xiaomin Bao


2:00 - 3:20pm

BIOL_SCI 390-0-0 Advanced Molecular Biology Xiaozhong Wang

Lec: TTh  2:00 - 3:20pm


BIOL_SCI 395-0-0 Molecular Genetics Jennifer Brace


11:00am - 12:20pm



fall 2023 course descriptions

First Year Seminars & 100 level courses

BIOL_SCI - 101-07-01

First Year Seminar - Biology and Society

The word biology describes both the characteristics and processes of life and living organisms, as well as the discipline that studies these. Like all the natural sciences, the study of biology is a data-driven endeavor, concerned with describing, predicting and understanding natural phenomena based on evidence from observation and experimentation. But like all human activities, it does not exist in objective isolation, but rather within a societal context. And biological phenomena, such as infection and disease, interact with non-biological elements of human society. This course aims to contextualize the study of biology towards a better understanding of how social and cultural histories and dynamics have had a profound effect on both biological research as well as biological phenomena, and how social, political and economic parameters influence the impact of scientific breakthroughs and the outcomes of biological events such as epidemics. The topics we will cover, among others: the cultural, political and societal barriers to reaping the benefits of biological research; the damaging legacies of racism, sexism and colonialism on the biological research enterprise; the role of communications in the field of biology; and select biological topics in evolution, genetics and disease. Students will learn from press articles, academic literature and a non-fiction book (The Fever, by Sonia Shah).

BIOL_SCI - 101-07-02

First Year Seminar - Animal Thinking

Do animals think? Are they self-aware? How can we humans ever hope to find out? Topics for exploration and discussion include: The evolution of cognition; the history and current state of research on animal thinking; how studies of animal thinking may help us better understand human cognition. 

BIOL_SCI - 101-07-03

First Year Seminar - Values of Biodiversity

One of the major challenges of our changing world is the loss of biological diversity. An overwhelming majority of people agree that we should work to save biodiversity, but their views are largely based on vague, positive feelings about nature rather than concrete justifications. This course investigates those concrete justifications. The first half of the course sketches out the argument for preserving biodiversity (i.e., "thinking globally"). The second half of the course focuses on the practice of ecological restoration in forest preserves a few miles from campus (i.e., "acting locally") not merely as a way to preserve biodiversity, but as a path to redefining a sustainable relationship between nature and culture. The readings for the course range from classics of environmental writing to recent research papers in the primary scientific literature. Biodiversity also needs to be experienced directly, so we will take a field trip to a local forest preserve where we will roll up our sleeves and help restore a native habitat and see how much biodiversity means to the people with whom we live and work.

BIOL_SCI - 115-06-01

First Year Seminar - Biological Thought and Action

Science is a process by which people make sense of the world. Scientists examine evidence from the past, work to understand the present, and make predictions about the future. Integral to this process are the methods they use to collect and analyze data, as well as the ways in which scientists work together as a community to interpret evidence and draw conclusions. In this class, we will take a multidisciplinary approach to examining biological thought and action and their social ramifications. We will seek to understand science as a social pursuit: the work of human beings with individual, disciplinary, and cultural differences, and requiring tremendous investments in training and equipment. Does it matter that participation in science is more accessible to some than to others? How do biases, assumptions, uncertainty, and error manifest in scientific work? What is the history of scientific values such as objectivity and reproducibility? The course will conclude by investigating current topics of public debate.

Biological sciences distribution courses

BIOL_SCI - 103-0-0

Diversity of Life

This course constitutes a comparative survey of organisms, emphasizing adaptation and phylogenetic relationships. The gradual evolution of lineages of living things is treated chronologically, and the mechanism of natural selection is elucidated. The evolution of Animals is covered in special depth.

BIOL_SCI - 150-0-0

Human Genetics

How do you predict what your kids will look like? Or what diseases they may have? This class will provide you with tools to begin understanding these complex questions. We will predict the inheritance of simple traits and model how sources of variation can contribute to disease. An introduction to the science behind popular genetic engineering technologies, such as CRISPR Cas9, will allow us to explore the ethical implications of human sequencing and gene editing for health and research. We will learn how to critique the portrayal of these technologies in the media and communicate their methodology in a conversational style.

Biological sciences isp courses

BIOL_SCI 240-0-0

First of two courses that aim to provide a framework for understanding the chemistry, structure and function of life's smallest functional units known as cells. Starting from a basic description of inherent properties of biological macromolecules, the course will build a cell from the inside out by exploring questions related to information storage, replication and decoding of genetic information, regulation of gene expression, cytoskeleton and cytoskeletal dynamics, cell organelle structure and function, cell cycle, cell division, and basic principles of tissue design. Covering these topics, the course will emphasize how a limited set of governing principles shapes all of life's processes in similar ways, and how integration of different disciplines is key to understanding biology. 

Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Integrated Science Program to register for this course.

Biological sciences 200 core courses

BIOL_SCI 202-0-0

Cell Biology 

This course is part of the four-course introductory biology sequence. The cell biology course covers mechanisms the cell uses to compartmentalize and transport proteins, to move, to regulate growth and death, and to communicate with their environments. 

Prerequisite: Students must have completed, with a C- or better, BIOL_SCI 201-0 to register for this course. Must be taken concurrently with BIOL_SCI 232-0.

BIOL_SCI 232-0-0

Molecular and Cellular Processes Laboratory

 This is the first course in a three-quarter sequence of introductory biology laboratory, which meets once a week for four hours and includes an online lecture component. The course is designed to provide students with an authentic laboratory experience that investigates relevant scientific research and teaches scientific inquiry skills such as experimental design, writing research proposals, data collection, data analysis/interpretation, and the presentation of results. The experimental model revolves around atherosclerosis and macrophage phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Students will learn and become proficient at various cell and molecular biology techniques. 

Must be taken concurrently with BIOL_SCI 202-0.

Biological sciences 300 level courses

BIOL_SCI 302-0-0

Fundamentals of Neurobiology

Fundamentals of Neurobiology will explore the structure and function of the central nervous system, from the molecular to the systems/behavioral level. This course will provide an introduction to a number of concepts in cellular and systems neurology, with an emphasis on: ion channel structure and function; the structure and function of neurons and glia; the ionic basis of the membrane potential, graded potential and action potential; synaptic physiology, neuromodulation, neuronal networks; neural plasticity, including learning and memory. 

Pre-requisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 201-0, BIOL_SCI 202-0, BIOL_SCI 301-0, and BIOL_SCI 310-0 to register for this course. May not receive credit for both BIOL_SCI 302-0 and NEUROSCI 202-0. 


BIOL_SCI 337-0-0


This is a statistics class geared toward students interested in biology, ecology, and environmental science, but others are welcome. The course is applied statistics with the goal of students being able to use the skills, experience, information, and software learned in class,after class. We will usea variety of software for statistical analyses, including spreadsheets (Excel or Google Sheets), online calculators, and theRpackage. R in particular is a very flexible and powerful program that you can use for any statistical problem you encounter. The program is free, well-supported, well-documented, and is constantly getting better and more powerful.

Prerequisites: BIOL_SCI 201-0 or ENVR_SCI 202-0, and MATH 218-3 or MATH 220-2.

BIOL_SCI 338-0-0

Modeling Biological Dynamics

Life is an inherently dynamic process, and the dynamics at every scale of organization -- from the atomic self-assembly of macromolecular complexes to the interactions of species in an ecology -- can give rise to surprising outcomes. Predicting and modulating those dynamics requires the development of accurate mathematical and computational models. In this class, you will learn about mathematical and computational techniques for analyzing and predicting biological dynamics. Techniques will include statistical models, discrete- and continuous- time dynamical models, and stochastic models. Applications will cover a range of scales, from biomolecules to population dynamics, with an emphasis on common mathematical concepts and computational techniques, the interpretation of existing data, and making predictions for new experiments.

Prerequisites: at least one of MATH 218-1, MATH 220-1, MATH 240-0, STAT 202-0, BIOL_SCI 337-0, OR equivalent.

BIOL_SCI 339-0-0

Critical Topics in Ecology and Conservation

This course will provide students with the conceptual and theoretical framework within the field of plant ecology (especially plant biology) and conservation. This seminar-style class is based on reading and discussion of historical and contemporary primary literature. It will provide you with the opportunity to think critically and discuss your thoughts within a structured yet informal setting and will provide them with a basic background in reading and writing scientific papers. This course is designed to help you: 1. Read and discuss primary literature critically. 2. Learn important skills for writing scientific papers. 3. Become comfortable presenting and discussing papers with your peers. 4. Become more familiar with topics in Plant Science and Conservation. 5. Write a critical review of a manuscript written by a colleague. 6. Write a review paper on the topic of your choosing. 

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 203-0, or BIOL_SCI 341, or BIOL_SCI 342-0, or ENVR_SCI 202-0 to register for this course.


BIOL_SCI 355-0-0


Immunobiology is the study of the response of higher organisms to foreign substances and pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. This course examines the cells and organs of the vertebrate immune system and how they function to protect us during an immune response against microbial infection. We will also examine disorders of the immune system, including immune deficiency, hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, and cancer. 

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 201-0, BIOL_SCI 202-0, and BIOL_SCI 301-0 to register for this course.

BIOL_SCI 360-0-0

Principles of Cell Signaling

The ability to sense external and internal signals and dynamically respond lies at the core of cellular homeostasis and is one of the most important properties of all forms of life. In this course, general molecular principles of signaling through which cells capture, process, store and send information are discussed. The emphasis of this course in on the design principles, components, and molecular mechanisms that are common to different signaling systems. Modern experimental techniques for studying cellular signaling as well as the implications of disruption of cell communication pathways in diseases will be described.

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 202-0 and BIOL_SCI 203-0 to register for this course.

BIOL_SCI 377-0-0

Human Microbiome

The Human Microbiome is an introductory course on the collection of microorganisms in and on the body and the fascinating role they play in our health. We will explore different communities of microorganisms in the human body -the gut, urogenital, oral, and skin microbiota and learn about how those communities contribute to or are altered in healthy and diseased states. Topics will include, but are not limited to, the contribution of these communities to digestion and gut health, mood, obesity, the immune system, fertility and pregnancy, and neurological disorders. This is a rapidly expanding field, and we will place a special emphasis on exploring these topics through review of primary research articles.

Prerequisite: BIOL_SCI 201-0, BIOL_SCI 202-0, and BIOL_SCI 301-0 to register for this course.

Advance Expression course

BIOL_SCI 380-0-0

Biology of Cancer

This course is focused on the molecular/cellular mechanisms underlying cancer initiation and progression. Students are expected to have a thorough understanding of molecular and cell biology before taking this class. Various mechanisms controlling cell proliferation, signal transduction, DNA damage repair, cell fate decisions and cell-cell communications will be discussed. Topics will also include nature/hallmarks of cancer and current strategies for cancer treatment. The goal of this course is to have a rich intellectual exchange of ideas while taking an in-depth look at the molecular causes of cancer. 

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 202-0, BIOL_SCI 203-0, and BIOL_SCI 301-0 to register for this course. 

BIOL_SCI 390-0-0

Molecular Biology of Genome Editing & Engineering

 This is a course designed for upper level undergraduate students. Basic molecular genetic mechanisms in eukaryotic organisms are the emphasis of the course. Topics include basic concepts and techniques of molecular biology, organization of genetic information, flow of genetic information, regulation of the flow of genetic information and application of molecular biology in biomedical research. 

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 301-0 to register for this course.

BIOL_SCI 395-0-0

Molecular Genetics 

Genetic and molecular biology technologies have exploded in recent years rendering medical breakthroughs and novel treatments for disease. In this course, we will delve into the basics of gene structure and function, mechanisms of gene expression control and current molecular techniques that have revolutionized biological research. Through analysis of classic and current primary publications, we will explore topics such as how genes are manipulated, how gene expression is regulated, how molecular/genetic analysis of model organisms are used, how human disease genes are discovered, and how every gene in a genome can be analyzed simultaneously. At the end of the course, students will have a deeper appreciation for cellular mechanisms of gene expression and cell regulation. 

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 202-0, BIOL_SCI 203-0, and BIOL_SCI 301-0 to register for this course.

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