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Spring 2024 Class Schedule

First year seminars & distribution courses

Table of First Year Seminar & Distribution Courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time/Mode
BIOL_SCI 101-8 First Year Writing Seminar - Illuminating Life: The Stories Behind Biological Discoveries

Carole LaBonne

TTh 11:00am - 12:20pm

BIOL_SCI 103-0 Diversity of Life

Gary Galbreath

MWF 3:00 - 3:50pm

BIOL_SCI 109-0 The Nature of Plants

Gordon Smith

TTh 2:00- 3:20pm



Core courses

Table of Core Courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time/Mode
BIOL_SCI 201-0 Molecular Biology  Jennifer Brace & Hilary Truchan

Lec 1 MWF 10 -10:50am

Lec 2 MWF 11 - 11:50am

Combined Disc  W 7-8:50pm

BIOL_SCI 234-0 Investigative Laboratory John Mordacq & Jeremy Davis

 Sections are 1 day a week from 1-4:50pm, offered M, T, W, Th or F.

BIOL_SCI 239-0 Fundamentals of Biological Mechanisms Jason Brickner

MWF 2:00-2:50pm

BIOL_SCI 301-0 Biochemistry

Thomas Mead - Lec/Disc 1


Heather Pinkett - Lec/Disc 2

Lec 1 MWF 11 -11:50am

Disc 1  W 7-8:50pm


Lec 2 MWF 10 - 10:50am

Disc 2  W 7-8:50pm


300 level courses

Table of 300 Level Courses
Course Title Instructor Day/Time/Mode
BIOL_SCI 307-0 Brain Structure, Function, and Evolution Tracy Hodgson

 TTh 9:30 - 10:50am

BIOL_SCI 310-0 Human Physiology Christine McCary

Lec TTh 11am-12:20pm

Dis W 3 - 3:50pm

BIOL_SCI 325 -0 Animal Physiology Tracy Hodgson

TTh 2 - 3:20pm

BIOL_SCI 328-0 Microbiology Keara Lane

 MWF 9-9:50am

BIOL_SCI 333-0 Plant Animal Interactions Gordon Smith

TTh 12:30 - 1:50pm

BIOL_SCI 336-0 Spring Flora Nora Gavin-Smyth

Lec M 10-10:50am

Fld W 10-12:50pm 

BIOL_SCI 337-0 Biostatistics Jeremy Davis

 TTh 9:30 - 10:50 am

BIOL_SCI 345-0 TOPIC: Applications of Genomics Susan Strickler

 MWF 1-1:50pm


BIOL_SCI 377-0 Human Microbiome Hilary Truchan

 MW 2-3:50pm

BIOL_SCI 391-0 Developmental Biology Shelby Blythe

MWF 9-9:50am 


Spring 2023 course descriptions

BIOL_SCI 101-8: Illuminating Life: The Stories Behind Biological Discoveries

This seminar explores the milestones of biological science through the stories of scientists and their discoveries. Students will engage with pivotal discoveries that have shaped our understanding of life, from the theory of evolution to advances in genetics and molecular biology and medicine. Through guided discussions, critical readings, and collaborative projects, participants will learn about the impact of these breakthroughs on science, society, and the future of biology. The course encourages reflective dialogue on the interplay between science and human curiosity, fostering a deeper appreciation for the biological sciences and the process of discovery.

BIOL_SCI 103: Diversity of Life

This course constitutes a comparative survey of organisms, emphasizing adaptation and phylogenetic relationships. The gradual evolution of lineages of living things is treated chronologically, and the mechanism of natural selection is elucidated. The evolution of Animals is covered in special depth.

BIOL_SCI 109: Plant Animal Interactions

This course is meant to be a gateway into the fascinating world of plants. It is designed to give students an exciting and stimulating understanding of the biology and ecology of all plants, while at the same time not overwhelming students with levels of detail and specialized terminology that are not useful to non-majors. We will learn how plants make food, move around to new places, reproduce, deal with extreme weather, and defend themselves against natural enemies. We will investigate the partnerships plants form with other groups of organisms, such as those with animal pollinators, fungi, and animal body guards. We will consider how plant form and function relates to global biodiversity patterns and contributes to the healthy functioning of ecosystems everywhere. Finally, throughout all of these topics, we will consider how humans use plants as sources of food, fiber, shelter, medicines, drugs, and more

BIOL_SCI 201: Molecular Biology

Students will learn about the basics of molecular biology, including the structure of macromolecules, DNA replication, transcription, and translation and the mechanisms by which these processes are regulated. Students will also learn current biotechnology methods used to study molecular biology.

BIOL_SCI 234: Investigative Laboratory

This course is the culminating life-science lab experience in the sophomore-year series. Students design and generate reagents that can be used in larger experiments. The topic varies from year to year, but typically revolves around the sub-cloning of a specific gene fused to a reporter for detection.

Prerequisite: BIOL_SCI 233-0.

BIOL_SCI 239: Fundamentals of Biological Mechanisms

This course explore a mechanistic view of molecular biology, emphasizing experimental approaches. Students will be introduced to empirical methods and the logical framework employed to generate our current understanding of molecular biology. Key concepts from chemistry, biochemistry and genetics will form the foundation for discussing molecular biology.For each topic, key papers that led to the discoveries in the textbook will be examined.

Prerequisite: Placement via the Biological Sciences Placement exam and/or ISP status. 

BIOL_SCI 301: Biochemistry

This class is an introductory level biochemistry course. It covers basic topics such as macromolecular structure and function of biologically relevant macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids), membrane structure, membrane transport, signal transduction, chemical logic in metabolic transformations, and carbohydrate metabolism. The course strongly emphasizes conceptual understanding, and offers extensive student-teacher interaction. Active participation in all course elements is encouraged and advantageous as students are expected to move past memorization of facts to a fully interconnected and integrated understanding that allows students to apply their knowledge to solve complex problems. This course will equip students preparing for the MCAT and upper level biology courses. Wednesday discussion section meetings will be for quizzes/midterms.

Quizzes (20-30 minutes) are held during the Wednesday 7-9pm discussion section for Biol_Sci 301. 
If another class conflicts with a Biol_Sci 301 exams, we do not offer an alternate time.

Prerequisites:  BIOL_SCI 201-0 and CHEM 210-1 or CHEM 212-1 or CHEM 215-1 or CHEM 217-1.

BIOL_SCI 307: Brain Structure, Function, and Evolution

The Brain: Structure, Function and Evolution will provide an overview of the evolution of the nervous system and cognition, from the origin of neurons to the structure/function of human brains. 

Prerequisites: BIOL_SCI 302-0, BIOL_SCI 325-0, or BIOL_SCI 344-0.

BIOL_SCI: 310 Human Physiology

Biol_Sci 310 explores the functions of the human body with an emphasis on homeostatic mechanisms, interdependence of organs and organ systems,and the influence of modulatory systems. Topics include: nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and digestive systems as well as endocrine application in these systems. Readings and activities focusing on the contributions ofunderrepresented and underacknowledgedscientists to the pursuit of physiology research will be included.

Prerequisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 201-0 or BIOL_SCI 215-0, BIOL_SCI 202-0 or BIOL_SCI 219-0, and CHEM 132-0, CHEM 152-0, or CHEM 172-0. Credit not allowed for both BIOL_SCI 310-0 and BIOL_SCI 217-0.

BIOL_SCI 325: Animal Physiology

Bio 325 is a lecture/group discussion course designed to explore advanced concepts regarding the physiology of the major organ systems, with an emphasis on comparisons between vertebrate groups, and between vertebrates and invertebrates. 

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 310-0 to register for this course.

BIOL_SCI 328: Microbiology

Microbiology, the branch of biology that deals with microorganisms and their effects on other living organisms. This course aims to provide a foundation in both core microbial processes (including growth, gene regulation,and metabolism) and host-microbe interactions, with a primary focus on bacteria. Core concepts will be supplemented with discussions about experimental techniques used to measure and engineer microbes and the implications of this for human health and disease.Lectures will be complemented by discussions of primary literature. By the end of the class, students will develop familiarity with the diversity of microbial structure, function, and interactions and be comfortable reading primary scientific literature. 

Prerequisites: BIOL_SCI 201-0 or BIOL_SCI 215-0; BIOL_SCI 202-0 or BIOL_SCI 219-0; BIOL_SCI 234-0 or BIOL_SCI 222-0; and BIOL_SCI 301-0.

BIOL_SCI 333: Plant Animal Interactions

Plant-animal interactions (BIO SCI 333/PBC 410). This course will explore the ecology of plant-animal interactions. Through the survey of the scientific literature, we will investigate the consequences of mutualistic interactions (pollination and seed dispersal) and antagonistic interactions (herbivory and parasitism) for individual organisms, population dynamics, ecological communities, and entire ecosystems. Finally, we will learn how these various interactions are responding to global change, including habitat destruction and climate change.

Prerequisite: The former BIOL_SCI 330-0, BIOL_SCI 339-0, or ENVR_SCI 202-0.

BIOL_SCI 336: Spring Flora

Spring Flora merges aspects of plant evolution and identification (with an emphasis on learning about the local flora) with plant ecology (with an emphasis on ecological interactions and adaptations). This course takes a field-based approach to learning the process of identifying major components of the local flora. Understanding vegetative and reproductive structures of plants, and use of this knowledge to identify plants with taxonomic keys will be emphasized. Ecological interactions, adaptations, and related conservation issues will also be discussed. The lecture portion of the course will take place on the Evanston campus on Mondays. On Wednesdays, the field component will take place at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The instructor will reach out to all enrolled students ahead of time to organize transportation options (transportation will be made available to those who need it. Note that the time scheduled for the course DOES NOT INCLUDE transportation time, so 30-45 minutes should be budgeted before and after class on Wednesday for transportation.

Prerequisite: Bio 203, 339, 341, or 342; or Env Sci 202, or permission of instructor

BIOL_SCI 337: Biostatistics

This is a statistics class geared toward students interested in biology, ecology, and environmental science, but others are welcome. The course is applied statistics with the goal of students being able to use the skills, experience, information, and software learned in class,after class. We will usea variety of software for statistical analyses, including spreadsheets (Excelor Google Sheets), online calculators, and theRpackage.R in particular is a very flexible and powerful program that you can use for any statistical problem you encounter. The program is free, well-supported, well-documented, and is constantly getting better and more powerful.

Prerequisites: BIOL_SCI 203-0 or BIOL_SCI 215-0 or ENVR_SCI 202-0, and MATH 218-3 or MATH 220-2.



BIOL_SCI 345: TOPICS - Applications of Genomics

Prerequisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 202-0 , BIOL_SCI 203-0, and BIOL_SCI 234-0 to register for this course.

BIOL_SCI 377: The Human Microbiome

The course is designed to be an introduction to biophysics and will provide both theoretical and practical perspectives for students that have concentration in biochemistry and biophysics. Students will gain an understating of commonly used techniques in biophysics. *Advanced Expression course

Prerequisites: BIOL_SCI 201-0 or BIOL_SCI 215-0; BIOL_SCI 202-0 or BIOL_SCI 219-0; and BIOL_SCI 301-0.

BIOL_SCI 391: Developmental Biology

Animals are complex living machines, but unlike artificial machines, animals build themselves from scratch. This course will explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the self-assembly of the embryonic body plan. The course will focus on the biological principles of embryonic pattern formation, regulation of gene expression, morphogenetic movements and signal transduction, organized over broad physical scales from single cells to complete organs, and from minutes to complete life cycles. Course material will draw from both current and historical approaches, with a strong emphasis on biological criteria for knowing, including a weekly critical discussion of original literature. 

Prerequisites: BIOL_SCI 201-0 or BIOL_SCI 215-0, BIOL_SCI 202-0 or BIOL_SCI 219-0; and BIOL_SCI 301-0.

BIOL_SCI 397: Senior Thesis Colloquium 

A student intending to write a Thesis in Biological Sciences must register for Senior Thesis Colloquium (BIOL SCI 397) during Winter Quarter of the Senior Year; this Spring offering of BIOL_SCI 397 is encouraged and open only to those students who enrolled in the Winter BIOL_SCI 397. It is in the context of this class that Senior or Honors Theses are written. 

Pre-requisites: At least one BIOL SCI 398 or 399 registration must have preceded BIOL SCI 397. Please contact the instructor for a permission number to register for this course. 

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